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Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314)
 * This class is a base class for an event domain. In the context of MVC, an "event domain"
 * is one or more base classes that fire events to which a Controller wants to listen. A
 * controller listens to events by describing the selectors for events of interest to it.
 * Matching selectors to the firer of an event is one key aspect that defines an event
 * domain. All event domain instances must provide a `match` method that tests selectors
 * against the event firer.
 * When an event domain instance is created (typically as a `singleton`), its `type`
 * property is used to catalog the domain in the
 * {@link Ext.app.EventDomain#instances Ext.app.EventDomain.instances} map.
 * There are five event domains provided by default:
 * -   {@link Ext.app.domain.Component Component domain}. This is the primary event domain that
 * has been available since Ext JS MVC was introduced. This domain is defined as any class that
 * extends {@link Ext.Component}, where the selectors use
 * {@link Ext.ComponentQuery#query Ext.ComponentQuery}.
 * -   {@link Ext.app.domain.Global Global domain}. This domain provides Controllers with access
 * to events fired from {@link Ext#globalEvents} Observable instance. These events represent
 * the state of the application as a whole, and are always anonymous. Because of this, Global
 * domain does not provide selectors at all.
 * -   {@link Ext.app.domain.Controller Controller domain}. This domain includes all classes
 * that extend {@link Ext.app.Controller}. Events fired by Controllers will be available
 * within this domain; selectors are either Controller's {@link Ext.app.Controller#id id} or
 * '*' wildcard for any Controller.
 * -   {@link Ext.app.domain.Store Store domain}. This domain is for classes extending
 * {@link Ext.data.AbstractStore}. Selectors are either Store's
 * {@link Ext.data.AbstractStore#storeId storeId} or '*' wildcard for any Store.
 * -   {@link Ext.app.domain.Direct Direct domain}. This domain includes all classes that extend
 * {@link Ext.direct.Provider}. Selectors are either Provider's {@link Ext.direct.Provider#id id}
 * or '*' wildcard for any Provider. This domain is optional and will be loaded only if
 * {@link Ext.direct.Manager} singleton is required in your application.
 * @protected

Ext.define('Ext.app.EventDomain', {
    requires: [

    statics: {
         * An object map containing `Ext.app.EventDomain` instances keyed by the value
         * of their `type` property.
        instances: {}
     * @cfg {String} idProperty Name of the identifier property for this event domain.
    isEventDomain: true,

    constructor: function() {
        var me = this;

        Ext.app.EventDomain.instances[me.type] = me;

        me.bus = {};
        me.monitoredClasses = [];

     * This method dispatches an event fired by an object monitored by this domain. This
     * is not called directly but is called by interceptors injected by the `monitor` method.
     * @param {Object} target The firer of the event.
     * @param {String} ev The event being fired.
     * @param {Array} args The arguments for the event. This array **does not** include the event name.
     * That has already been sliced off because this class intercepts the {@link Ext.util.Observable#fireEventArgs fireEventArgs}
     * method which takes an array as the event's argument list.
     * @return {Boolean} `false` if any listener returned `false`, otherwise `true`.
     * @private
    dispatch: function(target, ev, args) {
        var me = this,
            bus = me.bus,
            selectors = bus[ev],
            selector, controllers, id, events, event, i, ln;

        if (!selectors) {
            return true;

        // Loop over all the selectors that are bound to this event
        for (selector in selectors) {
            // Check if the target matches the selector
            if (selectors.hasOwnProperty(selector) && me.match(target, selector)) {
                // Loop over all the controllers that are bound to this selector
                controllers = selectors[selector];

                for (id in controllers) {
                    if (controllers.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
                        // Loop over all the events that are bound to this selector
                        events = controllers[id];

                        for (i = 0, ln = events.length; i < ln; i++) {
                            event = events[i];

                            // Fire the event!
                            if (event.fire.apply(event, args) === false) {
                                return false;

        return true;

     * This method adds listeners on behalf of a controller. This method is passed an
     * object that is keyed by selectors. The value of these is also an object but now
     * keyed by event name. For example:
     *      domain.listen({
     *          'some[selector]': {
     *              click: function() { ... }
     *          },
     *          'other selector': {
     *              change: {
     *                  fn: function() { ... },
     *                  delay: 10
     *              }
     *          }
     *      }, controller);
     * @param {Object} selectors Config object containing selectors and listeners.
     * @private
    listen: function(selectors, controller) {
        var me = this,
            bus = me.bus,
            idProperty = me.idProperty,
            monitoredClasses = me.monitoredClasses,
            monitoredClassesCount = monitoredClasses.length,
            i, tree, list, selector, options, listener, scope, event, listeners, ev;

        for (selector in selectors) {
            if (selectors.hasOwnProperty(selector) && (listeners = selectors[selector])) {
                if (idProperty) {
                    if (!/^[*#]/.test(selector)) {
                        Ext.Error.raise('Selectors containing id should begin with #');
                    selector = selector === '*' ? selector : selector.substring(1);
                for (ev in listeners) {
                    if (listeners.hasOwnProperty(ev)) {
                        options  = null;
                        listener = listeners[ev];
                        scope    = controller;
                        event    = new Ext.util.Event(controller, ev);

                        // Normalize the listener
                        if (Ext.isObject(listener)) {
                            options  = listener;
                            listener = options.fn;
                            scope    = options.scope || controller;

                            delete options.fn;
                            delete options.scope;

                        if (typeof listener === 'string') {
                            listener = scope[listener];
                        event.addListener(listener, scope, options);

                        for (i = monitoredClassesCount; i-- > 0;) {

                        // Create the bus tree if it is not there yet
                        tree = bus[ev]             || (bus[ev] = {});
                        tree = tree[selector]      || (tree[selector] = {});
                        list = tree[controller.id] || (tree[controller.id] = []);

                        // Push our listener in our bus
                } //end inner loop
        } //end outer loop

     * This method matches the firer of the event (the `target`) to the given `selector`.
     * Default matching is very simple: a match is true when selector equals target's
     * {@link #cfg-idProperty idProperty}, or when selector is '*' wildcard to match any
     * target.
     * @param {Object} target The firer of the event.
     * @param {String} selector The selector to which to match the `target`.
     * @return {Boolean} `true` if the `target` matches the `selector`.
     * @protected
    match: function(target, selector) {
        var idProperty = this.idProperty;
        if (idProperty) {
            return selector === '*' || target[idProperty] === selector;
        return false;

     * This method is called by the derived class to monitor `fireEvent` calls. Any call
     * to `fireEvent` on the target Observable will be intercepted and dispatched to any
     * listening Controllers. Assuming the original `fireEvent` method does not return
     * `false`, the event is passed to the `dispatch` method of this object.
     * This is typically called in the `constructor` of derived classes.
     * @param {Ext.Class} observable The Observable to monitor for events.
     * @protected
    monitor: function(observable) {
        var domain = this,
            prototype = observable.isInstance ? observable : observable.prototype,
            fireEventArgs = prototype.fireEventArgs;


        prototype.fireEventArgs = function(ev, args) {
            var ret = fireEventArgs.apply(this, arguments);

            if (ret !== false) {
                ret = domain.dispatch(this, ev, args);

            return ret;

     * Removes all of a controller's attached listeners.
     * @param {String} controllerId The id of the controller.
     * @private
    unlisten: function(controllerId) {
        var bus = this.bus,
            controllers, ev, selector, selectors;

        for (ev in bus) {
            if (bus.hasOwnProperty(ev) && (selectors = bus[ev])) {
                for (selector in selectors) {
                    controllers = selectors[selector];
                    delete controllers[controllerId];  // harmless if !hasOwnProperty